Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Patriotic Pie

Okay, so this pie is more like pink, yellow and blue, but it's close enough. :)  Fourth of July is pretty low key around here.  We went hiking around the mountains with the pup during the day.  It's so gorgeous up there.  We debated going to the fireworks, but nature made the choice for us when a t-storm whipped up around dusk.  What did you do for the holiday weekend?

We also enjoyed some tasty but very easy food.  We had mini, English muffin pizzas and for dessert had the pie above.  The mini pizzas were super easy, especially if you already have the pesto.

Mini Pesto Pizzas
- 3 English muffins, sliced in half
- 1/2c pesto
- 1 chopped or sliced (or both!) tomatoes
- small handful of chopped spinach

On a half of English muffin, slather on some pesto and top with tomatoes and spinach.  Pop in the toaster oven for a few minutes to warm everything up, and volia!  Easy dinner!

You can pretty much do this with any of your fav pizza toppings.  You may notice in the pic above that one of them is not pesto covered.  We had some leftover bean balls from our bean ball subs we had the night before, so we spooned some marinara on top of the English muffin and spooned a ball on top.  Topped it with some spinach.  Very tasty.

Patriotic Pie
- 1c almonds
- 1c dates

- 2c soaked and cashews
- 2c frozen strawberries
- 1 lime with ends cut off
- 3/4c dates
- 2 tbsp chia seeds (optional)
- 1/4c coconut oil
- 1/2c-1c filtered water

- slices of banana and some blueberries for decoration (optional)

To make the crust, take the almonds and dates and combine in a food processor until the nuts are very crumbly and the mixture is sticking together.  Press mixture into a pie plate and put in the freezer.

In a high powered blender, mix the cashews, strawberries, lime, dates, chia seeds, coconut oil and water and blend until smooth. 
Once smooth, pour into crust.  Top with your decorative fruit, and put in the freezer to harden.  Once you're ready to eat it, remove it from the freezer and let it thaw a bit.  Depending on how long it freezes for, it can be quite hard when it comes out.

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