I keep a food diary.
Even I think it's weird. I've always thought food diaries were for crazy people who want to count calories or have a weird eating disorder, but actually they are quite interesting. If you're anything like me, I have a hard time remembering what I ate even only a couple of days later. Keeping track of it is good to see if you're leaving some kind of nutrient out. It can also be helpful to see how your moods or physical ailments correspond with what foods you ate that day. You may feel blah one day because you didn't eat any fruit, etc.
Keeping track of what you eat also helps decrease random snacking on bad things. My bf kept a food diary for a few days to try it and he said it prevented him from eating random cookies from the break room, chips, etc. because he'd have to write it down. It made him think a little bit more about what he was actually ingesting.
Since I've started trending towards vegan, I also find the food diary helpful to make sure I'm not leaving anything out, like B12 from nutritional yeast, etc. It also gives me a resource to look at for when people ask me, "What do you eat?" I also think food diaries play to my love of lists. I love lists and crossing them off, or using them to see what I've accomplished. I even have a large list of all the books I've read and whether I liked them or not. I know, I'm weird.
Training Continues
I continued on my quest to run a 10K. Today I jogged/walked 3+ miles! Go me! I walked a little in the middle because my dog pooped for a second time, and along the way the bag must have fallen out of my pocket. I had to run to the baggie station on the trail I was on to get one and then I used the time to walk back and cool off a bit. I think I'm going to have to start running a little earlier to avoid the powerful rays of the Colorado sun. Even T was panting (which hardly ever happens).
Last night I had a delicious dinner, I was quite impressed with myself since I haven't been to the grocery in about 3 weeks. I'm really scraping the bottom for meal ideas. We have next to no produce left in the fridge.
I whipped up a batch of Fat Free Vegan's bean burgers (the ones with chipotle, but minus garlic because I didn't have any), some millet, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots topped with leftover cheeze sauce, and some applesauce with cinnamon. The burgers had BBQ sauce (Veganomicon recipe) and some guac. I have a ridiculous amount of avocados in my fridge because they were on sale at some point and I bought a ton of them.
For dessert I made these nut pudding parfait things from a recipe in The 30 Minute Vegan. It was heaven in my mouth. When I have desserts, I'm going to try and focus on the raw ones, since they are so tasty and yet so good for you!
For breakfast this morning, I had some millet topped with leftover parfait "granola" and almond milk. I also made a weird smoothie with an avocado, pineapple and its juice, lime juice, and frozen peaches. It tasted good, but it was a weird color.
The question is, what am I going to do for food tonight?
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